Showing posts with label Seven Son Flower tree. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seven Son Flower tree. Show all posts

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Debby's Gift


Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis) in miy front yard.

Tropical storm Debby arrived in our area last Wednesday evening and stayed through Friday. During that time Debby brought us a generous 6.75 inches of rain--a real gift! After such a severe drought during June and July, my garden is now reviving after these rains. Unfortunately, the deer have eaten so much, there aren't a lot of flowers left, but here are some of what is left for August's Bloom Day.

The cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinalis) under the cherry tree in front has come back--the one I'd planted in a back bed last year died in July--too dry a site for it, I expect. The location of this other seems to suit it, I hope I can get more plants to grow here.


Wild Ageratum on the east bed.

The wild Ageratum (Conoclinium coelestinum) which continues to reseed itself in the east bed and Herb's bed was looking very droopy, but it perked up a lot with the rains. Unfortunately the deer have eaten all of my Blue Lobelias (Lobelia siphyllitica) in the same bed, and their usual masses of flowers are gone.


Red Salvia

The red Salvia in Herb's bed is offering its blooms for the hummingbirds--we finally spotted a few recently, after seeing none in June and July. The deer ate the blue Agapanthus earlier, but another flowering spike has appeared; they didn't get this one after I sprayed it with repellent!

Agapanthus 'Blue Nile'


Deer generally avoid Agastaches, so my 'Blue Boa' were not touched, but the drought set it back somewhat. I need a few more plants to make this patch show up--another project for the fall or next spring!

Agastache 'Blue Boa'

Black-eyed Susans (Rudbeckia 'Goldsturm')

A few black-eyed Susans bloomed after the rains despite the deer eating back most of the buds, ditto for the Coneflowers in the back bed. The Seven Son Flower tree is starting to bloom too.

Purple Coneflowers reblooming.

Seven Son Flower tree (Heptacodium miconoides)

A few other blooms typical for this time of the year: white 'Natchez' crapemyrtle, and Russian sage (Perovskia).

Crape myrtle 'Natchez' with Abelia 'Panoramic' and Japanese maple.

Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia)


Most of my potted plants had to be moved to the porch or the back deck to be safe from the deer--they were bold enough to nibble the black cotton plants I had in pots on the front steps of the house! They ate back the 'Black and Blue' Brazilian Salvia too, which is only now starting to put out a few budding spikes.


Irish moss (Sagina subulata)


This Irish moss plant has survived for several years in a pot that used to hold a blueberry plant, 'Top Hat'. The blueberry died out this summer, but the Irish moss has persisted. My hanging baskets on the porch haven't filled out as I hoped, but they are colorful. The problem with these Pamela Crawford side planters is they use up so much water! They dry out quickly too, and a few plants never make it, leaving large areas of the coir baskets exposed--not very attractive.


Porch baskets.

Front porch basket

Potted plants on the deck.

Tuberous begonia on deck.



We'll finish up with my two recent watercolors: Ice Mountain Suite #1 has been accepted into Art at the Mill's fall 2024 show. I'm working on completing Ice Mountain suite #2

Ice Mountain Suite #1, watercolor.

Ice Mountain Suite #2.


Bloom Day on the 15 on every month is brought to you by to Carol Michel's May Dreams Garden blog, Happy August Bloom Day!

Monday, September 12, 2022

Late Summer Works

Iris 'Afternoon Delight' watercolor in progress


Summer is ending and it's just now that I'm getting around to painting the iris I fell in love with at Blandy Farm this past spring! Its colors are such a stunning combination, I couldn't resist painting it, even though I have to work from photos. When I visited Blandy last week I found that their iris garden is being re-designed and will be situated in a different location--there were only a few weeds and beat-up irises left where 'Afternoon Delight' and the others had grown. I wanted to buy this variety for my garden, and had intended to beg a rhizome or two from Blandy, but I've finally found a source for this variety, bred in the 1980's.

 I started digging up one of my iris beds earlier this week--time to separate the overcrowded rhizomes--but have been forced to take a break due to some dental surgery, after which I'm required to rest for a few days. Too bad, with the recent rainy spell the soil is perfect for being worked, but it will have to wait.


Autumn Joy Sedum in Herb's bed.

My garden needs a lot of work this fall: most of the irises and many of my spring-blooming bubs such as the daffodils and grape hyacinths need to be separated and re-planted. Ditto for the Spanish bluebells (Hyacinthoides) at the foot of the Zelkova tree. Many of my flower beds need to be re-edged and re-worked too.

The 'Longwood Blue' Caryopteris shrubs that I'd planted some five or six years ago died back a lot this past winter, and despite pruning and fertilizing, they haven't bloomed very well this summer. A few new plants sprouted from seeds have grown under these, and I'll probably dig and replant those, to see if I can restore that bed to its former glory.


Skimpy flowers on Caryopteris 'Longwood Blue' this year.

The back yard from the west side.


 I'm planning to consolidate the bed with the Caryopteris and the one around the Japanese maple 'Amber Ghost' into one bed, incorporating the new 'Texas White' redbud I put in this past spring. This expanded bed will need some new under plantings--perfect for some of those surplus spring bulbs!


Beautyberry 'Early Amethyst'

The 'Early Amethyst' Beautyberry bushes are displaying their lovely purple berries at the moment. The Seven Son Flower tree bloomed profusely this year, and continues to bloom well past its usual time. Normally, by the end of August its flowers are starting to fade, but it seems to have enjoyed the very wet summer, as has the honey locust tree (behind the Beautyberry).


The Seven Son Flower tree.

Ceanothus delileanus 'Gloire de Versailles'

The Ceanothus 'Gloire de Versailles' protected with a tomato cage has finally grown enough to produce some blooms. Other annuals I'd planted with great hopes haven't produced much--the zinnias this year were a great disappointment, a few puny plants and no flowers. The Clary sage has not developed any flower spikes either, neither has the one Canna and the Hedychiums, and I fear it may be getting to be too late in the year for them to develop. The front bed with the impatiens and coleus grew fairly well, but did not present the coverage I'd hoped for.

Now the dogwood leaves are starting to bronze and soon the Equinox and the fall-blooming sequence will begin.

Pages from my botanical journal: Hazelnut and Beautyberry branches.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Dog Days Coming Around Again

Great Blue Lobelia (Lobelia syphillitica)

Great Blue Lobelias

The dog days of August are coming around again, as they do every summer. After July's record high temperatures, they don't seem so awful, thus far.  My Great Blue Lobelias have put forth more flower spikes than ever this year, and they are gorgeous. The crabgrass and weeds are lush, too--I went out yesterday morning to weed around my veggie bed and try to tackle the worst of it in the back yard beds. Two hours later I was drenched in sweat, had one large plastic bag full of weeds, and feeling that I'd barely made a dent. It will take many more sessions to get the weeds under control, in as much as that is at all possible.

Black or Levant cotton (Gossypium herbaceum ' Nigrum')

My three black cotton plants grown from Lili's seeds are producing lots of flowers and bolls. The seeds were collected from the U.S. Botanic Gardens a number of years ago (I've seen this exotic annual selling for amazingly high prices in catalogs), and thanks to my daughter-in-law's green thumb, we've managed to keep this line going.

Black cotton flower bud.

The following spring the collected seeds went in my garden beds, and I shared some with my daughter-in-law. But with soil as poor as mine, only a few blooms and bolls with seeds developed.  Lili had better luck in her garden, and managed to get enough seeds to return the favor last year. The flowers are so lovely! Their beauty is hard to appreciate fully because they tend to hide under the foliage.

Black cotton flower

I've done paintings of both the Great Blue Lobelia and the black cotton--my Great Blue Lobelia painting sold last year, but I still have the watercolor of black cotton that I painted as Artist in Residence at the U.S. Botanic Garden in 2018. The specimen I worked from didn't have any flowers present so I introduced some from my photos taken of the ones I'd grown. Unfortunately, my photos didn't show the exact way the flower stem grows out from the middle of the leaf petiole, so I didn't get this detail quite right. I'm tempted to try another painting to correct my previous misunderstanding.

The back yard from the Badlands.

I took this photo of the back yard from the rearmost bed, the one we call "The Badlands" because the soil there was the worst imaginable. I remember well how little grew here and all along the perimeter of our lot at the edge of the woods. My idea for landscaping this area was to create a transition zone for the huge trees at the edge of the woods with a series of smaller understory trees. These three trees were the first I planted in the back yard: a dogwood, which revealed itself to be a C. kousa (Asian) type only this spring, when it finally produced its first blooms, a redbud (Cercis canadense), and behind that, a Seven Son Flower tree (Heptacodium miconoides) which is a native of China.

Seven Son Flower tree (Heptacodium miconoides)
Flowering clusters of the Seven Son Flower tree

The common name for this small tree comes from the observation that the number of flowers in each cluster is usually seven. I bought this Heptacodium as a sapling on sale for the amazing price of $6--the selling point for me wasn't just the price, but that the tree blossoms in August, at a time when little else in the garden is in bloom, the blossoms are fragrant, and it grows fast.  After planting it I've had time to appreciate its other attractive features--in autumn, after the flowers fade, the sepals turn pink, giving the appearance of a second flowering, and the bark peels in layers of different colors that make a wonderful display in winter.

Basket of begonia.

I didn't find any fuschias for the hanging baskets on the porch this year, so I bought this beautiful red Begonia instead. Calibrachoas in several colors went in the two other baskets, with the addition of some creeping Jenny (Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea') hanging over the edges. 

Hanging baskets of Calibrachoas on the porch.

The recent rains have brought out some new flowers: Crocosmia 'Lucifer's red flowers make a nice contrast against the fluffy blue Ageratum, with orange marigolds. The yellow Chrysanthemums are already starting to bloom, despite earlier de-budding. I'm curious to see how the 'Autumn Joy' sedum will look in the fall when the pink Muhly grass puts out some of its plumes--the deer have really chewed up the sedums!

Herb's bed.