Thursday, February 2, 2023

Vagaries of Weather

First crocus blooms in my yard on Jan. 30.


The day before yesterday was unseasonably warm--the temperature rose to 66 degrees in the afternoon! And with some sun, the first of my crocuses cropped up. There were actually a few, the one above and another nearby--such a lovely sight!


But this morning, two days later, I woke up to find a light dusting of snow on the ground! It's the first perceptible snow of the winter, and it doesn't look like it will last very long, although a cold snap seems to be setting in.


Back yard with dusting of snow.

View from a front window.

This coming Saturday is predicted to be very, very cold, with the high in the 20's. I imagine the groundhog will see his shadow tomorrow--sure looks like we're in for more wintry weather!

1 comment:

Herb Borkland said...

The photography -- some new angles and fresh lighting effects -- seems particularly effective.