Showing posts with label anemones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anemones. Show all posts

Monday, September 30, 2024

A Rainy September

Mushrooms growing under the birdbath.


The past week's rains from hurricane Helene here in Virginia have been good for my garden, even it if comes a little late--the growing season is coming to its end. Mushrooms are sprouting in my flower beds, the spiders are busy weaving their lacy orbs, while the fall-flowering plants and bulbs are making their appearance. 


Orange Chrysanthemum with Colchicum.

Colchicum 'Waterlily'
Colchicum 'Bornmuelleri'
Back bed with Colchicum

The Colchicum 'Waterlily' that I had planted a few years back put forth a couple of lovely flowers, which were torn to pieces by the deer shortly after I took this photo. Colchicums are poisonuous and most critters avoid them, which is why I chose this plant, but in this case it seems as if the deer tore my flowers up just out of spite (they didn't eat them), or was it perhaps to prevent their young from eating the tempting flowers? I'm never sure just how much intelligence to credit these creatures with.

The Colchicum 'Bornmuellerii' I planted in the back bed a couple of weeks ago popped up, but these have not been bothered at all. I'm waiting for the white Colchicum autumnale 'Album' I planted at the same time to come up any moment now, can't wait to see the flowers! I hope these will multiply over the years.


Muhly grass, Sedum 'Autumn Joy' and swamp sunflowers in Herb's bed.
Gaura 'Butterflies' with Agastache 'Blue Boa' and Little Bluestem grass.


Herb's bed really comes into its own in the fall, when the Muhly grass sets out its feathery plumes and the swamp sunflowers and 'Autumn Joy' Sedum put on their show.


Herb's bed with the Little Indians bed beyond.
Looking toward the back yard from the west garden.

The leaves of some trees are starting to show autumn color, the Yellowood tree (on the left) and the Redbud in the back. The dogwood in the front yard has turned a lovely orange.


Along the front walk.

The rain stimulated the much chewed-up Ceanothus 'Gloire de Versailles' to re-bloom, but the Leatherleaf Viburnum in back that is in bud has not unfolded its flowers yet--I hope they'll bloom before our first frost gets them.


Ceanothus 'Gloire de Versailles'

Leatherleaf Viburnum flower buds


The Anemone 'Honorine Jobert' is pushing against its wire cage, attempting to extend its flower stems to their normal lofty height. Unfortunately, I know the deer will decimate it if I remove the protective wire cloche, so until I can come up with a more effective barrier, they will have to stay cramped--I took off the cover for the photo.


Anemone 'Honorine Jobert'


After much browsing, the deer left me a few hardy Begonias in the front yard to bloom and re-seed themselves--not the display of other years, but I'll take it!


Hardy Begonias under the cherry tree in front.

My east woodland garden has prospered with the rains, although the Pagoda dogwood has started dropping its leaves. The holly 'Nelly Stevens' is full of ripening berries this year.

Woodland garden in the east.
'Nelly Stevens' Holly and Osmanthus 'Goshiki'

Woodland garden from the back yard.


One casualty of the tropical storm winds was one of my front porch baskets, which pulled out the hook from the beam from which it hung. Herb was watching it spinning crazily in the wind when it finally broke. Fortunately, it seems to have made a soft landing on top of the greenery in front. I hope we can re-hang the hook later on, but for now it makes the porch look unbalanced.


Fallen porch basket.


I wonder what October will bring... will we have a colorful autumn, and when will our first frost occur this year?

Sunday, March 26, 2023

March Rains

My back yard on the Vernal Equinox.


It's been one of the driest Marches I can recall, we were long overdue for some rains to bring forth new spring growth. I've been working like a maniac at edging the flower beds, expanding them, fertilizing and mulching in preparation for the much-awaited rain.


White wild violets.

This morning some rain finally came our way, and tonight promises to deliver even more. The white wild violets that  mysteriously appeared in my yard a couple of years back continue to spread--they are such a welcome sight! 

'Thalia' narcissi in the front yard. 


I couldn't wait to see the effect of this rain in my garden, so I went out briefly when the rain slowed to a drizzle for a look-see. More flowers are opening! The 'February Gold' daffodils are about finished now, time to deadhead the flowers. The Thalia Narcissi are starting to open fully now, changing the predominant color from yellow to white in the front yard. 


Creeping Phlox and Thalias under the cherry tree.

The Kwanzan cherry tree probably won't bloom until about mid-April, but the creeping phlox under it is starting to bloom. Hopefully, the phlox will last long enough to still have some color when the cherry blossoms.


Hellebore 'True Love'

The Hellebore 'True Love' has many flowers this spring, but its companion, 'Flower Girl' has not produced a single bud yet--I'm hoping to see at least one flower later on. Here are more flowers after the rain.


Siberia squills (Scilla siberica)
Mt Hood daffodils and grape hyacinths (Muscari armeniacum)

The deer have been munching on a lot of my bulbs--they ate many of the Glory-of-the-snow flowers (Chionodoxa) and some of the grape hyacinths, so I've been spraying them with garlic spray, hoping they'll leave these alone. There are other bulbs they never touch, like the narcissi, because they're poisonous, but even then they'll take a taste out of other things they normally don't eat--it depends on how hungry they are.


Forsythia with Seven Son Flower tree.

The Forsythia in back is in full bloom, and the Seven Son Flower tree is starting to leaf out--it's one of the earliest to produce leaves. It's so marvelous to see everything budding out!


Mount Hood daffodil just opened.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

March Bloom Day

Delft Blue hyacinths with strawberries as ground cover.


The unseasonably warm days of last week have brought forth new flowering bulbs in my zone 6b garden in Virginia. The hyacinth bulbs along my front walk have opened: 'Delft Blue' and a white variety the name of which I forget. The sedum 'Angelina' and the ground covers are still sporting their rusty winter colors but they'll soon be greening up. We need a lot of rain!


Hyacinths along my front walk.

The February Gold daffodils have lasted longer than usual with the cooler temperatures this week, along with a little surprise snow on Sunday. 


February Gold daffodils in the back bed.
Hyacinths and February Gold daffodils along the front walk in the snow.

 The Glory-of-the-Snow (Chionodoxa luciliae) flowers are starting to pop up at the base of the red maple.

Glory-of-the-Snow flowers at the base of the red maple.

Close-up of Glory-of-the-Snow (Chionodoxa luciliae)

The Siberian squills (Scilla siberica) on the east bed are also popping up along with the Hellebore 'True Love' and the Japanese Pieris.

Scillas with Hellebore Wedding Party 'True Love'

Pieris japonica on the right, with Scillas.

Hellebore 'True Love'


Despite the cold and blustery day, today I found a few tiny purple anemone buds peeking out from the mulch--the flowers are closed, but they will open on a warmer day.


Greecian windflowers (Anemone blanda)


Though not a flower, I see that the leaves of my autumn flowering Colchicum 'Waterlily' are coming up too. The scented violets (Viola odorata) died back a lot this winter, but tiny new plants are emerging.


Colchicum 'Waterlily' foliage emerging.

Viola odorata.

Indoors on the windowsill, the Streptocarpus 'Wow' has colorful, exclamation-worthy flowers!


Streptocarpus 'Wow'

Saturday, March 26, 2022

My Early Spring Garden

Hyacinth 'Delft Blue'


With the Spring Equinox past, early spring manifests itself in my garden. 'Delft Blue' hyacinths bloom along the front walk, as the carpet of several varieties of sedum begins to revive from its winter slumber. 


Blue Siberian squill, Pieris, and young rosettes of great blue lobelia.

"Queen Charlotte' violet (Viola odorata)

Along the east side of the house, the tiny blue flowers of Siberian squill (Scilla siberica) carpet the ground near a Pieris in bloom, among the sprouting young rosettes of the Great Blue Lobelia that is spreading here. My 'Queen Charlotte' violet is reviving and spreading nicely, but so far I detect no scent--perhaps it's still too chilly for the violet to emit its lovely perfume?

Hellebore Wedding Party 'True Love'

Hellebore 'True Love'

Close-up of 'True Love'

At the foot of the 'Bloodgood' Japanese maple, the hellebore Wedding Party 'True Love' is flourishing now that it's protected from the browsing deer. As soon as the critters have enough to eat in the woods, I'll remove the barrier so I can admire it without obstructions. I'd love to grow another hellebore near this one, perhaps one with white flowers with a touch of pink on the edges. There are so many beautiful varieties to choose from in my gardening catalogs, but all are so expensive, I may have to wait until I find some on sale.

Blue grape hyacinths (Muscari armeniacum) with 'Mount Hood' daffodils

In the back yard some grape hyacinths that haven't been browsed too much by the deer are emerging among the 'Mount Hood' daffodils, while the Forsythia's yellow announces the official start of spring. A few of the 'February Gold' daffodils in the back bed are in bloom, but most of the others won't open until a week or two later.

The back yard this week.

The Little Indians bed.

Lots of new shoots are coming up in all my flower beds--above are 'Autumn Joy' sedum with muscari and daffodil bulbs, and daylilies. I'd forgotten about the anemones I planted last year, and was surprised to find this tiny one coming up near my roses. Such a delicate little thing!


Bergenia buds

Front yard this week

In the front yard, the seasonal progression continues: the February Gold daffodils are finished, now the Thalia and Tazetta narcissus are just about to pop open. And, I have great hopes of seeing a few camellia blossoms for the first time--the buds are just beginning to unfold.


Camellia 'Kumasaka'