Showing posts with label Hyacinth buds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hyacinth buds. Show all posts

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Signs of Spring

"Tommies" (Crocus tomasinnianus) in the front yard.
Clumps of Tommies

The past few days have been unseasonably warm, and the crocuses in  my yard are popping up everywhere! The mauve "Tommies" (Crocus tomasinnianus) have formed lovely clumps in the front yard under the cherry tree--a sight to cheer any winter-weary heart! There's even one tiny bee in the first photo, gathering pollen from the open Tommies!


Tommies under the cherry tree.


The yellow crocuses down slope of the dogwood in front are coming up, next to some snowdrops. Those were planted last fall, and I hope they'll multiply quickly. I haven't spotted the 'Orange Emperor' crocuses I planted yet--I've forgotten just where I planted them and didn't mark the location. I expect to be pleasantly surprised any day.


White and purple feathered crocus

Yellow crocus

The hyacinth bulbs are starting to poke out of the ground too. It's been a dry winter, and we really need some rain to bring out more of the spring bulbs.


Hyacinth buds emerging.


The foliage of the early daffodils is also breaking ground. The 'February Gold' are u sually the first ones to bloom.


Daffodil foliage emerging.


On the east side of the house, in the "woodland garden" one Hellebore bud is showing; hopefully more will emerge soon.


Bud of Hellebore 'Flower Girl' emerging.
Hellebore 'Flower Girl'

A couple of  yellow crocuses have popped up in the back bed, but no signs yet of the Winter Aconite. And more snowdrops in one of the other beds in the back yard.

Yellow crocus in back bed.

Snowdrops, 'Elwesii' variety.

The witch-hazels are also in bloom, both the native southern variety and the hybrid 'Diane'.


Southern witch-hazel (Hamamelis virginiana)

Witch-hazel 'Diane'

Here's hoping for some rain today, and more signs of an early spring!