Another rainy day here in Columbia... all the better to daydream about sunnier places for the time being. Not that I mind the rain, which we need for our spring flowers, but it's hard to see well enough to paint on a gloomy day. This little watercolor was painted on location in New Mexico, on the same stretch of the Chama River where I painted last September.
Early spring in northern New Mexico is announced by the apple and cherry tree blossoms in the orchards, but on this dry stretch of O'Keefe country, the cottonwoods don't open their dark buds until later in April. This was painted during the first week of April, when earth colors predominate below the turquoise sky. The river runs less muddy at this time of the year, the water a milky green that is hard to capture in paint but blends beautifully with the colors of the mountains.
Thanks for looking.