Friday, January 26, 2024

The First Snowdrop


Giant Snowdrop (Galanthus elwesii 'Mount Everest')
Giant Snowdrop 'Mount Everest'

 An extraordinary break in the weather sent the thermometer up to a delightful 72 degrees today! I took the opportunity to look around my yard to see what, if anything, might be sprouting, and found the first blooms of the Snowdrops I'd planted last fall.

Nearby was one small species crocus flower--yellow with purple feathering on the outer petals.


Yellow Crocus

Along the bed on the east side of the house I saw that my Hellebore 'Flower Girl' was displaying its first bud! I planted this one the fall before last, but it didn't bloom at all last spring, so this will be its first flower! Let's hope my plant will bloom profusely later on.


Bud of Hellebore 'Flower Girl'

My other Hellebore, 'True Love' is well-established now, and bloomed well last year; I hope it will do as well this spring, but I've yet to see any buds on that one. The buds of the witch hazels are still tightly closed, but the early daffodils are starting to nose up through the mulch. I hope the coming weather won't be so inclement as to blast all these buds. After all, we still have two more months of winter to get through... somehow it seems harder to accept that after getting a taste of spring with a beautiful day like today!


Herb Borkland said...

Have no idea why it didn't take the first time, but, as I wrote here yesterday: "Good things come in small packages."

tz_garden said...

Wonderful, the first blooms feel magical.